Arkiv for marts 2023
The top 10 jobs that AI and ChatGPT will most likely replace
I've spend the last few weeks reading through several scientific papers, world class research on the matter, and I have now, with confidence, compiled a list of professions that are most likely to be replaced by ChatGPT and AI in general in the future.
I was promised cool artificial intelligence, but all I got was lousy marketing
I was approached in Skype by the Bing AI Chatbot. But it all turned out to be fake door testing in an attempt to lure me into signing up for Microsoft marketing e-mails.
Simone Silvestroni om selv at udgive og promovere sin musik
Simone Silvestroni (Minutes to Midnight) har skrevet et par blogposter om det at udgive et musikalbum på egen hånd tilbage i 2019. I del 2 forholder han sig til det at promovere sin musik online via streaming og på sociale medier.